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"Les Neiges Noires De Laponie" is a poem of the same name written during my adolescence."

Les Neiges Noires De Laponie live performance
Anchor 1


Les Neiges Noires De Laponie is Alexandre Casademunt's sound project, on the borders of hard industrial, experimental breakcore, fast hardcore, and dark conceptual, atmospheric and metaphorical music.

​Inspired by artists with unique styles such as Biosphere, Xanopticon, Atomhead, Alec Empire or Lustmord.

Les Neiges Noires De Laponie has made several releases on the net-label,

His artist name is an invitation to travel to Nordic lands where Mythology and landscapes marked by cold and ice meet.

LNNDL is also the designer and manager of the Angstprod royalty-free music label known to all,

Alexandre also hosted a radio show on the eko des garrigues, the Audient Left show in 2006 on Montpellier concerning experimental royalty-free music and echoing interesting releases from net-labels,

Activist since 2003 around musical research, musical and societal philosophies, but also a big fan of cinema, committed texts and poems. In 2016 he created the label Plasma Vortex Frequency, he released 5 Vinyls as different as each other in rare styles like flashcore or electronica noise and experimental speedcore.

It was awarded by the very famous and frequented Japanese blog Biohannya as part of the 10 best releases of the year in the queen category that is electronic music IDM.

It was also mixed by great djs like DJ Ellen Allien, founder of the Berlin label Bpitch control and of the German electro scene, mixed me at the Time Warp party in Rome in 2012, and Aphex Twin in 2018 at Funkhaus in Berlin.

​​​LNNDL organized 1 party in Paris where he had Subjex from the Shematic label and Planet mu and Zeller from the Ant-zen label play and in 2011 he organized a festival in Bordeaux where he brought the American artist Richard Devine.

He also played at several parties and festivals, the most notable of which were Cybercity with the artist Neurocore from the Hangar Liquide label and Serendip Lab festival.
Finally LNNDL founded the label NeigesNoiresProd. in 2025 which is a collective label of multi-genre artists of cutting-edge music.


Les Neiges Noires de Laponie on"

Les Neiges Noires de Laponie on Plasma Vortex Frequency"

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